Sierra Kenoly, A Burst of Laughter With a Woman Who Made Her, 26, Henderson, NV, March 27, 2021. Stacey Elaine Sharpe, Sierra’s Mother, is the happiest woman when she sees her daughter after Sierra travling hundreds of miles away to finally spend time with her mother.“You are my Angel girl,” said Stacey Elaine Sharpe as Sierra is happy to look into her mothers eyes (Mari / Photographer)
Sierra Kenoly attends the University of California, Berkeley where she is studying Media and Minoring in Journalism. Her dream is to become a News Anchor and/or a Journalist who walks the cells of the incarcerated people to make a change though her extensive research, interviews with the incarcerated, and making a voice for those who does not have the capacity to have one due to their circumstance. Sierra, being the only girl amongst her two brothers, is passionate about obtaining her Bachelors degree, but also wants to further her education in Journalsim as she will be the first out of her siblings to having a degree. Her mother, Stacey Elaine Sharpe, has been Sierra’s support system throughout her career and also her education. Sierra is long away from home but is setting a precedent for her older and younger brother, but also making her mother happy as Sierra has not only worked while in school but has also interned for Amazon, Taught at San Quentin Prison, and also apart of The City of Albany’s Social and Economic Justice Committee, and more. While this picture captures the biggest smile Sierra and her mother share is a special moment. Sierra flew out from Berkeley to Las Vegas to spend some time with her mother as the pandemic has separated them for quite some time. Since this, Sierra and her mother continue to grow closer as the days get older.